Sinai (alt. Mt. Sinai) ~ Horeb, the Mountain of God |
from the summit of Mount Sinai at sunrise. |
Three primary names are associated with this location; Mount Sinai, Horeb and the Mountain of God. The following passages not only provide a highlight of some of the events there but also tie all three names to the same locale.
As a strategic location in the narrative of the Exodus, before and during, much speculation has existed in regards to the location of this sacred site. As this topic is closely tied the route of the Exodus and the crossing of the red sea, some of the more wild conjecture has tried to place Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia, across the Gulf of Aqaba. Since our earlier article addresses some of their claims, here we will focus on the biblical specifics regarding Sinai that would disprove such an assertion.
The way up onto (or down from) Mount Sinai. Look very closely; there are three people almost center in the shadow. |
If Mount Sinai was in Midian, as advocates of the Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia idea insist, there would be no need for Moses' father-in-law to return to his own country after meeting up with Moses at the Mountain of God (Exodus 18:5). Clearly the text points to Mount Sinai being outside of Midian, in the Sinai Peninsula, in a separate country. While Egypt nominally professed to control the Sinai for much of its early history, they too never considered the Sinai to be part of their country.
That both Aaron and Jethro could find Mount Sinai, God's directing of the former notwithstanding, imply that the mountain was already known. Even if Moses had told Jethro where the mountain was before starting out for Egypt, there would have had to have been something already significant about it for Jethro to find and single it out from among the many mountains in the range. It is highly probable that the mountain already had some time of fame or importance to the nomadic peoples in the region. In Scriptures, Mount Sinai appears to be the title of one particular peak and not a range of mountains. "Horeb" and "Sinai" are sometimes used synonymously in Scriptures, yet the mountain itself is quite specifically "Sinai" while "Horeb" appears to also be a more general designation of the surrounding area in the Sinai wilderness.1 (Even Rephidim, to the northwest, is referred to as being in the region of Horeb. See Exodus 17:1-8). The word Horeb has a root meaning of "desolate" or "waste", truly a descriptor of the rugged terrain in this region.
Modern scholars, attempting to confirm this recorded travel distance, have verified that the traditional Sinai (Jebel Musa) to Kadesh-barnea (Ain Qudeis) could be traversed in this timeframe.2
A view, just after sunrise, from the summit Mount Sinai Mount Sinai is perhaps best known as the location where God established His covenant between Himself and Israel. This included His appearance to the people and the giving of the Ten Commandments and the entirety of the Law to Moses.
A view from Mount Sinai Hundreds of years later it appears that Mt Sinai's location was still well known as this is where Elijah fled during his time of discouragement in the days of king Ahab (874-853 B.C.).
One of the arguments sometimes used against Jebel Musa as being Mount Sinai is that the top of the mountain cannot be seen from the largest plain nearby. Those holding this view deem the following verses to require that the actual top of the mountain must have been in full view.
It is not as certain that the mountain had to be in full view, only that the people would have had to see that God descended upon the top of it - something that would still be clear if the mountain was partially shielded by foreground objects. An additional possibility includes that there is a smaller plain closer to the mountain that does have a clear view. In modern times some have made Mount Horeb to be a different mountain than Mount Sinai, albeit neighbors. In this view Ras es Safsafeh (6540 ft tall) is the former and Jebel Musa the latter. Strictly speaking the two are twin peaks of one large mountain. The peak of Ras es Safsafeh can be seen from the larger plain of er-Raha. This plain is approximately 2 x 7 miles (3 x 11 km). Access to this summit, via a path through a ravine on the northeast end of the range (now called "Jethro's path") would have enabled Moses and Joshua to hear the sounds of the camp without seeing it (Exodus 32:15-18). Jebel Musa (7500 ft tall) is about 3 miles (5 km) away from the larger plain of er-Raha, and as previously mentioned has a restricted view of its summit from that larger gathering place. Besides the possibility that a clear view was not necessary, there is a smaller plain further up, just below the highest part of Jebel Musa, that could have been an alternate site for the Israelites to have gathered. Other peaks in the range have also been proposed, yet Jebel Musa alone enjoyed a special status from well before Christian times. Later candidates, such as Ras es Safsafeh, did not become sacred sites until well into the Christian era. The identification of Mount Sinai, early in the Christian period, was not completely arbitrary but built on the earlier weight of tradition regarding this locale. Other factors, including travel distances and candidates for additional waypoints, also help verify Jebel Musa as being the best contender.3 By the fourth century A.D. we know that Christian monks and pilgrims were visiting and living in the area. The account of an Egyptian traveler, named Ammonius, who visited Mount Sinai circa 373 A.D. is a great example. Peregrinatio Silviae (circa A.D. 388) gives specific directions for to the "mount of God" from Wadi Feiran, stating that it was 35 Roman miles from Pharan (Feiran). This is the actual distance between the oasis in Wadi Feiran and Jebel Musa. Certainly by the reign of Justinian (527-565 A.D.), the tradition of Jebel Musa as being Mount Sinai was unquestionable. It was Justinian who established the still existing St. Catherine's monastery on the northwest side of Jebel Musa - notably to replace a smaller church that was already two centuries old. The end of Moses time at Mount Sinai was almost a year after their arrival as a nation. From there they continued northeastward, subsequently wasting forty years in the dessert - due to their unbelief and sin - before being allowed to enter the Promised Land. For a specific timeline of events of the Exodus, click here.
Chapel at the top of Mount Sinai (Jebel Musa)
Sinaiticus Manuscripts (Codex Sinaiticus) In 1844, this manuscript was rescued from imminent destruction, in the fire, at the Monastery of Saint Catherine at Mount Sinai. It is a 4th century uncial manuscript of the Bible in Greek, thought to have been written between 330-350 A.D.. While it originally contained the whole of both Testaments, portions of the Old Testament have been lost although the complete New Testament and the apocryphal books of the Epistle of Barnabas and portions of The Shepherd of Hermas, survive. Along with Codex Vaticanus, Codex Sinaiticus is one of the most valuable manuscripts in existence today. It is the only uncial manuscript containing the complete text of the New Testament. The official Codex Sinaticus Web Site
Sinaiticus Manuscript, showing Old Testament leaf of Jeremiah, Lamentations.
END NOTES 1. There are fourteen specific references to Sinai as the mountain. Though there are an additional sixteen references to the area also using the name Sinai, each are clearly delineated as the "dessert of" or "wilderness of" Sinai. These become no more than statements pointing to the immediate region surrounding the specific mountain of Sinai. 2. More detail is provided in ISBE...
3. ISBE's summary is quite appropriate...
of St. Catherine's
Steeple of church inside compound with spire of a mosque (white) behind it, also in the compound. Also below...
A glimpse inside the church, looking through the doors. Relics and decorations of gold and silver.
Looking down at Saint Catherine's coming off of Mount Sinai.
A number of dubious claims are made regarding sites at St. Catherine's, including that this is/was the burning bush Moses saw.
One of the narrow passages inside of Saint Catherine's.
More view from up on Mount Sinai
More view from up on Mount Sinai
Rugged rock formations of Mount Sinai
(c) 2008 Brent MacDonald/Lion Tracks Ministries. Images span 2005-2007. |